Chandra Namaskar / Moon Salutations

The Chandra Namaskar or Moon Salutations is a 14 step method of yoga sequence. There are different variations of Chandra Namaskar, however here we have listed the 14 step method of Chandra Namaskar.

The sequence of asanas are same as the 10-step method of Surya Namaskar except that ardha chandrasana / half moon pose is added after ashwa sanchalan.

Also in ashwa sanchalan the left leg is extended back in the first half of the round, activating ida nadi, the lunar force. The lunar energy flows within ida nadi. It has cooling, relaxing and creative qualities. In the second half of the round the right leg is extended back.

The inclusion of ardha chandrasana is a significant change. This posture develops balance and concentration adding another dimension to the practice. Also it will help in deeper breathing as the inhalation, exhalation and retention are all prolonged.

Time of practice

Chandra Namaskar is best practiced at evening / night especially when the moon is visible or at dawn during the time of full moon. Need to ensure the stomach is empty during the practice.


Before beginning the practice a few moments must be given to prepare the body and mind for the practice. Stand erect and join your palms together in Namaskara mudra. Observe your breath for a while. Slowly withdraw awareness from breath and inwardly focus on the eyebrow centre and visualise a full moon in the night sky, shining brightly upon the waves of the ocean. The full reflection of the moon penetrated the deep waters and the cool shades of moonlight catches the tops of waves as they dance. See the image clearly and develop awareness of any feelings or sensations created in the body and mind.

Slowly let the visualisation fade and become aware of the body in standing position. The following postures are to be done sequentially with breath coordination. Also Chandra mantras can be chanted for each asan or at the beginning of each round, to deepen the practice. Can practice 3 / 7 / 14 rounds.

1Pranamasana / Prayer poseOm Kameshvaryai Namaha
2Hastha Uttanasan / Raised arms poseOm Bhagamalinyai Namaha
3Padha Hasthasan / Hand to foot poseOm Nityaklinnayai Namaha
4Ashwa Sanchalanasan / Horse riding poseOm Bherundayai Namaha
5Ardha Chandrasan / Half moon poseOm Vahnivasinyai Namaha
6Chaturanga dandasanm/ Stick poseOm Vajreshvaryai Namaha
7Ashtanga Namaskarasan / Salute with 8 partsOm Dutyai Namaha
8Bhujangasan / Cobra poseOm Tvaritayai Namaha
9Parvatasan / Mountain poseOm Kulasundaryai Namaha
10Ashwa Sanchalanasan Om Nityayai Namaha
11Ardha ChandrasanOm Nilapatakinyai Namaha
12Pada HasthasanOm Vijayayai Namaha
13Hastha UttanasanOm Sarvamangalayai Namaha
14PranamasanOm Jvalamalinyai Namaha


  • Chandra Namaskar should be discontinued if you have a fever, acute inflammation, boils or rashes due to excess toxins in the body.
  • It is not recommended for individuals with high blood pressure, coronary artery disease, history of stroke, hernia, or intestinal tuberculosis.
  • People with back conditions should practice Chandra Namaskar under guidance.
  • It is advised to avoid practicing Chandra Namaskar during menstruation and resume towards the end of the period.
  • Pregnant women can practice Chandra Namaskar until the beginning of the 12th week.
  • After childbirth, Chandra Namaskar can be resumed approximately 40 days after delivery to re-tone the uterine muscles.


  • Strengthens the back and helps balance metabolism.
  • Stimulates and balances all the systems of the body including reproductive, circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems.
  • Influences the endocrine glands, helping to balance the transition between childhood and adolescence in growing children.
  • Synchronising the breath with movement increases mental clarity by bringing fresh oxygenated blood to the brain.

YOGA, definition and a brief introduction to origin, history and development of YOGA

Namasthe 🙏

Before doing my YIC (YOGA Instructor Course) course in S-VYASA (Swami Vivekananda YOGA Anusandhāna Samsthāna), I was in the perception that I knew yoga as I had learned and was practicing few āsanās & prāṇāyāma <got to learn from a doctorate in Yoga Dr.Rajesh Sir in Mangalore> from a decade. I presumed I knew it and joined the course to learn few more of them and to get certified. But only later that I realized that the āsanās & prāṇāyāma are just a part of yoga, it’s a much deeper philosophical subject and there is loots to explore!

I believe most of you are also in that perception and hence I have made an attempt to write this blog..

So what is YOGA???

Pātañjala Yoga (also known as Raja Yoga) is one among the six systems of Indian philosophy (known as satdarsanas). Pātañjali is a maharisi (an intellect & a researcher)  who lived somewhere between 900 – 100 B.C. and compiled – Pātañjali Yoga Sutras (PYS). Sutras means short sentence – an aphorism having subtle in-depth meaning. The PYS is divided into 4 padas/groups and consists of 196 sutras/formulae. He gives several sādhana techniques known as Asthanga Yoga in PYS. <PYS is mind blowing, anyone who reads it with the meaning is sure to become an ardent fan of this intellect Pātañjali, I am not an exception, will write another blog in detail on this..>

Continue reading YOGA, definition and a brief introduction to origin, history and development of YOGA

Homemade gooseberry mocktail / juice / Amla sharbat

Doesn’t it pain to see kids often catching cold 🥶 and cough 😷 and suffering with phlegm frequently in the winters. Who would like the frequent doctor visits, the medicines and their ill side effects.

What if there is something that Mother Nature has already given us, exactly during winters, that can prevent all these and boost our immunity but we aren’t aware of.. which was used since ages by our ancestors and as Ayurvedic medicine too.. the Amla / Gooseberries!

To know more about their health benefits please check this link. One way to consume it and make it interesting to kids is to prepare this gooseberry mocktail. This is the medicine in disguise, with all the benefits, an immunity booster and awesome taste! Continue reading Homemade gooseberry mocktail / juice / Amla sharbat

Homemade organic vanilla whipped cream

Hello friends! Finally I tried out fresh whipped cream and it turned out yum n guilt free one. It needs just 3ingredients and is a very simple recipe. Do try it out..

Ingredients :

  • 1C fresh organic milk cream
  • 4 tbsp of organic sugar pwd
  • 1cm vanilla pod grated


Add fresh cream, sugar & vanilla into the bowl and place the whisks of the electric  blender in it and freeze for 15mins. <This is very important and would help the cream not turning to butter while whisking.>

Then remove and whisk in low mode until it turns fluffy <would take 5 to 10mins>. You could even try with a hand whisker, but it would take more time and would be a good workout for you 😉  Be very careful not to over blend as it will result in butter. It is good to go when the cream holds peak shapes as shown below. Thats it! This whipped cream swirls beautifully.

This is the base recipe, go creative by adding different natural flavours <probably you could try fresh berries, orange or lemon zest, grated coconut etc> !

It crowns cupcakes, can sandwich between biscuits to make homemade cream biscuit, decor cakes, could be had with fresh fruits, however you wish to!

Hope you liked the recipe! Do give it a thumbs up 👍 and subscribe to the blog! Thankyou 🙏!

Homemade organic almond saffron kulfi 🍡

Both my kid n hubby love ice-cream n specially kulfi! There was a time when my hubby used to go to the shop and have them daily after dinner 😐, n as u guys might be knowing by now 😄, I wanted to try it 👩‍🍳 at home, coz I wasn’t sure of the purity of ingredients used. The recipe is damn simple and the best part is that it tasted soo yum! Both of them said it is the best kulfi ever tasted!



Let the condensed milk come to boil, add the all the above mentioned ingredients and stir for few minutes.

Allow it to cool and pour into kulfi moulds.

Place them in freezer for 2hrs or so. Tada thats it, un-mould, lick 😋 n enjoy!

The recipe is very simple, and trust me the kulfis tasted real yum, rich & authentic. Do try it out, ur family is really gonna love it…

Homemade Falooda 🍧

Sabja / sweet basil seeds are power packed with nutrients & have immense health benifits – they are full of fiber thereby cleanse the inner stomach, helpful in weight reduction, used to treat digestion problems, cures constipation & bloating, treats acidity & heart burn, helpful to make your hair healthy and shining as it contains adequate amount of vitamin K, protein and iron, helpful to relive from skin infections,  helpful to relieve respiratory disorder, sore throats, cough & flue, and also are helpful in controlling the blood sugar levels.

They are one of the best body coolants. They are known to lower your body heat, which is why it is often added to refreshing drinks 🍹/ desserts 🍧 during summer ☀️ ! Let’s c how to make falooda using these Sabja seeds…

Continue reading Homemade Falooda 🍧

Maharshi Patanjali’s Life Story

Hope you have read the blog – YOGA, definition and a brief introduction to origin, history and development of YOGA , if not please do! In it I have mentioned that the classic yoga period came with Maharshi Patanjali composing Yoga Sutras. Well after knowing that we tend to become curious to know more about Patanjali, his life story. It’s a very interesting story, do read on…

Continue reading Maharshi Patanjali’s Life Story

Sukshma Vyayama

Human body has various joints which require movement and lubrication. In our day to day life, some of the joins are rarely used and some are overused – which creates problems at later phase of life. Therefore basic movement of joints are essential in order to maintain them in healthy & proper condition. Sukshma Vyayama is a system of physical and breathing exercises which help to sequentially work out all joints of a body from the crown of head to the tip of toes, and warm it up. This system has a strong purifying effect on the energy of the body.

Continue reading Sukshma Vyayama